In some situations it may not be easy to recognize what signals are being sent out by our bodies, especially when it comes to pregnancy. Not because it is difficult to recognize them, but because we tend not to pay attention to the communications we receive. Some women confuse the symptoms of pregnancy with those of the premenstrual period. But there are some fundamental signs that you will have to get used to recognize, even before checking everything with a pregnancy test.
The most common symptoms of the first few days of pregnancy may be:
- Delayed menstrual cycle;
- Sensitive or swollen breasts;
- Blood loss (small amounts);
- Hunger;
- Strong sensitivity to odors;
- Nipples with darker coloration;
- Morning nausea;
- Perennial symptom of pee.
All, or almost all, pregnancies begin with a simple question: “did I get the cycle?”. Let’s see specifically what each of these symptoms has in store.
Delay of the menstrual cycle
There’s no escaping from here. It is undoubtedly the first real warning signal, as well as being the most reliable. Especially if you are used to having a regular cycle. At the same time, however, it is not certain that a delay of a few days is a sign of pregnancy. There may be other causes, such as medication or stress. If, on the other hand, you realize that you have missed your cycle for one or more months, then you should take a test!
More sensitive or swollen breasts
When fertilization is triggered, the female hormones tend to start moving immediately. Within a short time, in fact, the first response we notice is related to the growth of the mammary glands. The breast therefore becomes larger and at the same time also harder. You may not be able to sleep on your stomach because you will feel a deep tension that also causes pain.
Blood loss (small amounts)
These are not menstrual cycles, but small losses that can usually occur at the beginning of pregnancy. They are usually milder and do not last long. However, if you experience these symptoms, you should consult your doctor immediately, as he will be able to explain the reason and cause of this problem.
Are you often hungry?
At an early stage, even if you don’t know you’re pregnant yet, you may notice one thing. Has your appetite increased? You should know that the process of transforming the female body into a new life requires much more strength and consequently our body will consume even more energy. And where do we get energy from? From food. There may also be real attacks of hunger that are often confused with those that accompany the days before menstruation or periods of heavy stress. But always try not to stray too far from a good balanced diet!
Strong sensitivity to odors
Many pregnant women are particularly sensitive to odors. During pregnancy all the senses keep developing and are amplified. According to various research studies carried out by experts, it has emerged that this reaction is a protection that the mother unintentionally implements with regard to the child. Generally, the biggest nuisance is caused by strong odors: from meat to fish, and then substances that must be avoided, such as cigarettes and alcohol. Together with coffee, they are perceived as fragrances that are difficult to bear.
Nipples of a darker color than normal
One of the effects closely related to the hormonal change of pregnancy is the coloration of the nipples. This change is also due to increased blood supply. Usually even the areola can become darker; check also, always in this area, the small reliefs. They are called Montgomery tubercles and when a woman is at the beginning of her pregnancy she may notice them more prominent and of intense color.
Morning nausea: the symptom of symptoms
It has undoubtedly become a real cliché over time. But it is also the most present among pregnant women. Have you noticed, for several consecutive days, a deep morning sickness? The insistence with which this symptom manifests itself can help you to understand the situation. The pregnancy Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is responsible for this sense of nausea.
The discomfort it causes is due to a woman’s deep sensitivity to the hormone itself. Some future mothers have noticed that, after having had the confirmation of pregnancy, the agitation linked to profound change in their lives tends to increase the sense of nausea. Warning, however: it is true that this is a normal symptom, but if the frequency becomes really unmanageable, it is advisable to consult your doctor.
Constant Pee Symptom
It is an aspect that characterizes the beginnings of pregnancy and will gradually grow. No, it is not cystitis, but the need to go to the bathroom more often may hide a pleasant secret from you.
Other generic symptoms
We also want to remember that, according to technical studies, it has emerged that another typical element that characterizes the first symptoms of pregnancy is the hard and swollen belly. Here, too, the situation is delicate: in fact, it is an easy prerogative to confuse with the premenstrual cycle. But in the case of pregnancy it is all linked to the increase in the production of progesterone which limits the activity of our intestines, often causing constipation and that unpleasant sensation of swelling. It is good to say that we have chosen to separate it from the other symptoms because it is a case study that could also occur regardless of the future motherhood.
The same is true for the deep sense of tension that strikes the lower part of the belly. And the explanation for this symptom is soon revealed: the uterus grows, preparing for pregnancy, there is more blood supply and new blood vessels appear. This explains the perennial discomfort a woman feels in the area mentioned.
It is not by chance that some mothers have noticed a profound change in the very first weeks: something was happening inside them, their belly was changing. Although it was impossible to see it from outside, of course! And finally, it radically increases fatigue, combined with a sense of dizziness.
From here you can finally start to name the symptoms you feel: is there a baby coming?